
Life on the water: Few Floating Villages across the World

Civilizations are known to have developed around water bodies across the world as it was necessary to meet various everyday...
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6 Coral Reefs and How shipping affects them (Conclusion)

In our previous blog, we covered the Great Barrier Reef in Australia, the Raja Ampat in Indonesia, The Red Sea...
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6 World’s Most Famous Coral Reefs.. Continued..

In the previous blog, we mentioned about two coral reefs namely the Great Barrier Reef in Australia and the Raja...
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6 World’s Most Famous Coral Reefs

We all have seen amazing and colorful corals mostly on Discovery or National Geographic Channel. Some of us would have...
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A guide to taking care of your Mental Health while onboard

We all understand how important it is to keep our bodies healthy. Even though the understanding around mental health is...
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Different Types of Mechanical Measuring Tools and Gauges Used on Ships

Machinery onboard ships require to increase their efficiency and maintain the cost of operation, which includes unnecessary breakdowns and spares can be...
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Benefits of Maritime Software in the Shipping Industry

Shipping plays a pivotal role in the national economy of many countries that has a coast-line bordering them. As estimated,...
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What is a Certificate of Competence???

If you’re considering joining the Commercial Maritime industry, it’s likely that these four letters "STCW" are going to become some...
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What is Baltic Index?

Baltic index hits fresh multi-year lows on Capesize dip Baltic index hits fresh 2-1/2-year low as larger vessel rates slip...
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Why are Vessels referred to as ‘SHE’

Ever wondered why we refer to a vessel as ‘SHE’? However, even the Lloyd’s Register Foundation doesn’t provide us with...
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Different Ways to Reduce Carbon Footprint while Onboard

The world as we know it has come to become more environmentally conscious. It is not all about plastic bags...
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Embracing ‘New’ Technology: An understanding of Digital Shipping

The Covid-19 pandemic has led to an inevitable surge in the use of digital technologies due to social distancing norms...
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There is a Future for the Shipping World Post Pandemic

The Covid-19 pandemic hit us suddenly and caught us unaware. It crippled life in an unprecedented way and, in many...
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Best Shipping Ports In India

India has a coastline spanning 7516.6 kilometres, forming one of the biggest peninsulas in the world. It is serviced by...
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Revisiting the Bombay Shipbuilding Industry

Shipbuilding in India gained momentum in the nineteenth century. India has had a tradition of Shipping and Shipbuilding for millennia....
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Seafaring Traditions from the earliest period

Indian shipbuilding has a long marine history that dates to the Harappan and Mohenjo-Daro civilizations. Shipbuilding was a significant and...
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Tips for Understanding Nautical Flags & their Meaning

From the time that ships started sailing, flags were in place as a mode of communication or expression of intent....
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6 Floating Villages across the World

Water is an attractive factor when people choose where to live. When we look for a new place of accommodation...
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5 Gigantic Ship Anchors in The World

If asked to name a few parts of the ship, a vessel's Anchor would surely be the first item on...
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HMS Sickle

So far through the series, we have been reading about the Ships and their greatest shipwrecks. Through the vast categories...
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