Time: A Precious Instrument

Time: A Precious Instrument
Success is a staircase, but in order to climb it, one must master to utilize the time wisely. Time being the only thing that is limitless, we waste it in waiting for the right opportunity to strike. But we often forget that opportunities are to be created. The past is...
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Pirates Kidnap 14 Crew from Heavy Lift Vessel in GoG

Pirates Kidnap 14 Crew from Heavy Lift Vessel in GoG
On 13 November, the Liberia-flagged Zhen Hua 7 was boarded while drifting 78 nautical miles northwest of Sao Tome, Dryad Global said. Built in 1998, the ship is owned by China-based company Shanghai Zhenhua Shipping. It is understood that 27 seafarers were onboard the...
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